The data dictionary of items collected by the GCS. Golestan Cohort Study (GCS) definition alternative term source database_cross_reference comment see also answer type formula internal ID measurement time number of cohorts question description use cases requirements value is about has target measurement of output of Identity and contact information GECKO:0000052 Identity ID GECKO:0000052 survey administration Demographic characteristics: sex, age, ethnicity, marital status, education GECKO:0000009 Demographic Info DEMO GECKO:0000009 demographic data Characteristics of relatives in the household GECKO:0000066 Family members FAM GECKO:0000066 family and household structure The residential area (urban/rural), structure of the house, and duration of residing in the house GECKO:0000064 Residence RESID GECKO:0000064 residence Water source, heat and fuel system, and cooking method PATO:0001995 Water and fuel source SOURCE PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The names of all jobs the participant has had and the duration of work PATO:0001995 Job JOB PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Food preservation, frying, boiling, BBQ, steaming, … PATO:0001995 Food preservation and cooking FOOD PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Transferable and non-transferable belongings and wealth score (Multiple Correspondence Analysis) PATO:0001995 Properties PROP PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Suffering from any disease at the baseline of cohort MONDO:0000001 Medical History MED MONDO:0000001 diseases The complaints of participants from their physical or mental sufferings OGMS:0000020 Chief complaints CC OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms History of cancer, site, and age diagnosed in the participant or any of his/her relatives MONDO:0004992 Cancer History CANCER MONDO:0004992 cancer Ever or current smoker, age of use, type, number per day and days per week GECKO:0000068 Smoking SMOK GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Ever or current user, age and route of use, type, time per day and days per week GECKO:0000103 Opium use OPIUM GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Ever or current user, age of use, type, quantity per episode and episodes per month GECKO:0000069 Alcohol use ALC GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history The main created categories of drugs consumed by participants GECKO:0000093 Drug history (1) DRUGCAT GECKO:0000093 medication The exact name, duration, dose, and frequency of drugs consumed GECKO:0000093 Drug History (2) DRUGDETAIL GECKO:0000093 medication Decayed, filled, and missing teeth along with the age of the participant in each of these occasions Oral health ORAL Tea temperature, type of tea, and type of habit for drinking the tea PATO:0001995 Tea TEA PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The duration and intensity of physical activities during working and leasure times of the day, and Metabolic Equivalent Task (MET) GECKO:0000104 Physical activity ACTIVITY GECKO:0000104 physical activity history The age of the participant in contact with animals, the duration and intensity of animal contact, and the type of animal PATO:0001995 Animal contact ANIMAL PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Physically measured height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference and data of pictogram CMO:0000021 Anthropometric measurements ANTHRO CMO:0000021 anthropometry Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure measured in sitting position twice from each arm CMO:0000003 Blood pressure measurements BP CMO:0000003 blood pressure Units of food categories consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Food Frequency Questionnaire FFQ GECKO:0000072 dietary history Biochemical markers GECKO:0000027 Lab markers LAB GECKO:0000027 laboratory measures The Unique Id for eatch participant GECKO:0000055 PID PID GECKO:0000055 unique identifiers The first name of participant. GECKO:0000052 FirstName FirstName GECKO:0000052 survey administration The last name of participant. GECKO:0000052 LastName LastName GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the participant Province of Residence GECKO:0000064 Province Province GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant District of Residence GECKO:0000064 District District GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant City of Residence GECKO:0000064 City City GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant Subdistrict of Residence GECKO:0000064 Subdistrict Subdistrict GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant Village of Residence GECKO:0000064 Village Village GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant Street of Residence GECKO:0000064 Street Street GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant Alley of Residence GECKO:0000064 Alley Alley GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the names of cities or villages in one variable GECKO:0000064 CV name CV_name GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies residence in cities or villages GECKO:0000064 City_Village City_Village GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant's House Number of Residence GECKO:0000064 HouseNumber HouseNumber GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant's Zip Code of Residence GECKO:0000064 ZipCode ZipCode GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participants Home Phone GECKO:0000052 HomePhone HomePhone GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the participant's home Phone Area Code GECKO:0000052 AreaCode AreaCode GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the participant's Cell phone number GECKO:0000052 CellPhone CellPhone GECKO:0000052 survey administration participant related to this health center(the participant covered by this health center) GECKO:0000073 HealthCenter HealthCenter GECKO:0000073 physician/practitioner info Specifies the phone number of one of participant's family members GECKO:0000052 FamilyMemPhone FamilyMemPhone GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the area code of the phone number of one of participant's family members GECKO:0000052 FamilyMemAreaCode FamilyMemAreaCode GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the name of one family member of the participant GECKO:0000052 FamilyMemName FamilyMemName GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the name of one of friends of the participant GECKO:0000052 FriendName FriendName GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the province in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendProvince FriendProvince GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the district in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendDistrict FriendDistrict GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the city in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendCity FriendCity GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the subdistrict in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendSubdistrict FriendSubdistrict GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the village in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendVillage FriendVillage GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the street in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendStreet FriendStreet GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the alley in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendAlley FriendAlley GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the house number in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendHouseNumber FriendHouseNumber GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the zip code in which the friend of the participant resides GECKO:0000052 FriendZipCode FriendZipCode GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the phone number of the participant's friend GECKO:0000052 FriendHomePhone FriendHomePhone GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the area code of the phone number of participant's friend GECKO:0000052 FriendAreaCode FriendAreaCode GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the cell phone number of participant's friend GECKO:0000052 FriendCellPhone FriendCellPhone GECKO:0000052 survey administration Specifies the participant interview place GECKO:0000006 PlaceOfInterview PlaceOfInterview GECKO:0000006 location participant year of Interview date in Shamsi format STATO:0000093 InterviewPDate_Y InterviewPDate_Y STATO:0000093 date and time-related information participant month of Interview date in Shamsi format STATO:0000093 InterviewPDate_M InterviewPDate_M STATO:0000093 date and time-related information participant Day of Interview date in Shamsi format STATO:0000093 InterviewPDate_D InterviewPDate_D STATO:0000093 date and time-related information Specifies the participant Gender GECKO:0000060 Gender Gender GECKO:0000060 gender Year of participant Birth date in Shamsi format PATO:0000011 BdatePDate_Y BdatePDate_Y PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Month of participant Birth date in Shamsi format PATO:0000011 BdatePDate_M BdatePDate_M PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Day of participant Birth date in Shamsi format PATO:0000011 BdatePDate_D BdatePDate_D PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Specifies the self-report participant age in inteview time PATO:0000011 Age_self Age_self PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Age calculated from birth date and interview date PATO:0000011 Age_new Age_new PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Specifies the participant Ethnicity GECKO:0000061 Ethnicity Ethnicity GECKO:0000061 ethnicity/race Specifies ethnicity by Turkmen or Non-turkmen GECKO:0000061 ethnicity_new ethnicity_new GECKO:0000061 ethnicity/race Specifies the participant marital status PATO:0001995 MaritalStatus MaritalStatus PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies marital status into married or non-married PATO:0001995 marital_new marital_new PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Education Level GECKO:0000065 Education Education GECKO:0000065 education Specifies the number of participant family living in the household GECKO:0000066 FamilyInHousehold FamilyInHousehold GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Brothers GECKO:0000066 BrothersN BrothersN GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Step brothers GECKO:0000066 StepbrothersN StepbrothersN GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Sisters GECKO:0000066 SistersN SistersN GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Step sisters GECKO:0000066 Stepsisters Stepsisters GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Sons GECKO:0000066 Sons Sons GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies participant No. of Daughters GECKO:0000066 Daughters Daughters GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies whether the participant has twin brother or sister GECKO:0000066 TwinYesNo TwinYesNo GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies whether the twin of the participant is alive GECKO:0000066 TwinAlive TwinAlive GECKO:0000066 family and household structure Specifies the participant first residence history Duration GECKO:0000064 ResDuration_1 ResDuration_1 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant first residence history in Village or City GECKO:0000064 ResCitVill_1 ResCitVill_1 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant first residence history District GECKO:0000064 ResDistrict_1 ResDistrict_1 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant first residence history City or village name GECKO:0000064 ResCitVillname_1 ResCitVillname_1 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant first residence history House Type GECKO:0000064 ResHouseType_1 ResHouseType_1 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant second residence history Duration GECKO:0000064 ResDuration_2 ResDuration_2 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant second residence history in Village or City GECKO:0000064 ResCitVill_2 ResCitVill_2 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant second residence history District GECKO:0000064 ResDistrict_2 ResDistrict_2 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant second residence history City or village name GECKO:0000064 ResCitVillname_2 ResCitVillname_2 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant second residence history House Type GECKO:0000064 ResHouseType_2 ResHouseType_2 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant third residence history Duration GECKO:0000064 ResDuration_3 ResDuration_3 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant third residence history in Village or City GECKO:0000064 ResCitVill_3 ResCitVill_3 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant third residence history District GECKO:0000064 ResDistrict_3 ResDistrict_3 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant third residence history City or village name GECKO:0000064 ResCitVillname_3 ResCitVillname_3 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies the participant third residence history House Type GECKO:0000064 ResHouseType_3 ResHouseType_3 GECKO:0000064 residence Specifies participant used water source PATO:0001995 FoodWatSource FoodWatSource PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies how many years participant used pipe water PATO:0001995 FoodWatYearsPipe FoodWatYearsPipe PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies what water source participant used prior to pipe water PATO:0001995 FoodWatPriorPipeSource FoodWatPriorPipeSource PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the duration the participant Used Heating or Fuel system, first history PATO:0001995 HeatAndFuelDuration_1 HeatAndFuelDuration_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type, first history PATO:0001995 HeatingSystemType_1 HeatingSystemType_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type of fuel, first history PATO:0001995 HeatMethod_1 HeatMethod_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Cooking Type of fuel, first history PATO:0001995 CookingMethod_1 CookingMethod_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the duration the participant Used Heating or Fuel system, second history PATO:0001995 HeatAndFuelDuration_2 HeatAndFuelDuration_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type, second history PATO:0001995 HeatingSystemType_2 HeatingSystemType_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type of fuel, second history PATO:0001995 HeatMethod_2 HeatMethod_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Cooking Type of fuel, second history PATO:0001995 CookingMethod_2 CookingMethod_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the duration participant Used Heating or Fuel system, third history PATO:0001995 HeatAndFuelDuration_3 HeatAndFuelDuration_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type, third history PATO:0001995 HeatingSystemType_3 HeatingSystemType_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Heating Type of fuel, third history PATO:0001995 HeatMethod_3 HeatMethod_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the participant Used Cooking Type of fuel, third history PATO:0001995 CookingMethod_3 CookingMethod_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Working for at least one year of full-time job PATO:0001995 WorkEverWorkedFlag WorkEverWorkedFlag PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies participant start work age PATO:0001995 WorkAgeBegan WorkAgeBegan PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies participant work now PATO:0001995 WorkCurrently WorkCurrently PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Age of starting the job for last history PATO:0001995 JobsStartAge JobsStartAge PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Age of quiting the job for last history PATO:0001995 JobsEndAge JobsEndAge PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Name of the job PATO:0001995 JobsTitleOccupation JobsTitleOccupation PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Code of the job (Appendix) PATO:0001995 JobsTitleOccupationCode JobsTitleOccupationCode PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Number of working hours per day PATO:0001995 JobsHoursPerDay JobsHoursPerDay PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The intensity of physical activity during the job PATO:0001995 JobsIntensity JobsIntensity PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Number of working months per year PATO:0001995 JobMonthPerYear JobMonthPerYear PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Code of the husband job (Appendix) PATO:0001995 HusbandOccupation HusbandOccupation PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies How to Preserve foods PATO:0001995 FoodWatFoodPreserve FoodWatFoodPreserve PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies How to Preserve bread PATO:0001995 FoodWatBreadPreserve FoodWatBreadPreserve PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable in Small frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatShallowFryVeg FoodWatShallowFryVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat in Small frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatShallowFryMeat FoodWatShallowFryMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish in Small frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatShallowFryFish FoodWatShallowFryFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable in Deep frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatDeepFryVeg FoodWatDeepFryVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat in Deep frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatDeepFryMeat FoodWatDeepFryMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish in Deep frying PATO:0001995 FoodWatDeepFryFish FoodWatDeepFryFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable in BBQ PATO:0001995 FoodWatBBQVeg FoodWatBBQVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat in BBQ PATO:0001995 FoodWatBBQMeat FoodWatBBQMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish in BBQ PATO:0001995 FoodWatBBQFish FoodWatBBQFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable Boiling PATO:0001995 FoodWatBoilVeg FoodWatBoilVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat Boiling PATO:0001995 FoodWatBoilMeat FoodWatBoilMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish Boiling PATO:0001995 FoodWatBoilFish FoodWatBoilFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable Steaming PATO:0001995 FoodWatSteamVeg FoodWatSteamVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat Steaming PATO:0001995 FoodWatSteamMeat FoodWatSteamMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish Steaming PATO:0001995 FoodWatSteamFish FoodWatSteamFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using vegetable by any Other method PATO:0001995 FoodWatOthVeg FoodWatOthVeg PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Meat by any Other method PATO:0001995 FoodWatOthMeat FoodWatOthMeat PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies Using Fish in by any Other method PATO:0001995 FoodWatOthFish FoodWatOthFish PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the change in using Local Fruit from 1353 PATO:0001995 FoodWatFreshLocalFruitChange FoodWatFreshLocalFruitChange PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the change in using Imported Fruit from 1353 PATO:0001995 FoodWatFreshImportedFruitChange FoodWatFreshImportedFruitChange PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the change in using Fresh Vegetable from 1353 PATO:0001995 FoodWatFreshVegChange FoodWatFreshVegChange PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the change in using Fresh Meat from 1353 PATO:0001995 FoodWatFreshMeatChange FoodWatFreshMeatChange PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies participant Homeownership status PATO:0001995 Homeownership Homeownership PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies house owned or non-owned PATO:0001995 house_nonowned house_nonowned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies participant Home Area PATO:0001995 HomeSize HomeSize PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has personal car select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyAutoOwned PropertyAutoOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has a personal car(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyAutoYears PropertyAutoYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Motorcycle select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyMotorcycleOwned PropertyMotorcycleOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Motorcycle(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyMotorcycleYears PropertyMotorcycleYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Color TV select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyColorTVOwned PropertyColorTVOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Color TV(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyColorTVYears PropertyColorTVYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has BandW TV select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyBandWTVOwned PropertyBandWTVOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has BandW TV(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyBandWTVYears PropertyBandWTVYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Indoor Bath room select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyIndoorBathOwned PropertyIndoorBathOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Indoor Bath room(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyIndoorBathYears PropertyIndoorBathYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Vacuum cleaner select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyVacuumOwned PropertyVacuumOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Vacuum cleaner(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyVacuumYears PropertyVacuumYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Washing machine select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyWashMachOwned PropertyWashMachOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Washing machine(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyWashMachYears PropertyWashMachYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Refrigerator select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyRefrigeratorOwned PropertyRefrigeratorOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Refrigerator(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyRefrigeratorYears PropertyRefrigeratorYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Freezer select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyFreezerOwned PropertyFreezerOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Freezer(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyFreezerYears PropertyFreezerYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics If the participant has Computer select yes if no select no PATO:0001995 PropertyComputerOwned PropertyComputerOwned PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the length of time that the participant has Computer(Year) PATO:0001995 PropertyComputerYears PropertyComputerYears PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Number of rooms in the house PATO:0001995 HomeRooms HomeRooms PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies if the household has bathroom PATO:0001995 HaveBath HaveBath PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies if the household has kitchen PATO:0001995 HaveKitchen HaveKitchen PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Composite wealth score (Multiple Correspondence Analysis) PATO:0001995 MCA MCA PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the number of Pregnancies for women only PATO:0001995 NumberPregnancies NumberPregnancies PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the number of live births for women only PATO:0001995 NumberLiveBirths NumberLiveBirths PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics if the diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0004995 DisRheumaticHeartDx DisRheumaticHeartDx MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases participant age at Rheumatic Heart Disease diagnosis MONDO:0004995 DisRheumaticHeartAge DisRheumaticHeartAge MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases if the diagnosis of Heart Disease was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0004995 DisHeartDiseaseDx DisHeartDiseaseDx MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases participant age in first Heart Disease diagnosis MONDO:0004995 DisHeartDiseaseAge DisHeartDiseaseAge MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases if the diagnosis of Stroke was made for participant by a physician OGMS:0000020 DisStrokeDx DisStrokeDx OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms participant age in first Stroke diagnosis OGMS:0000020 DisStrokeAge DisStrokeAge OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the diagnosis of Hypertension was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0004995 DisHypertensionDx DisHypertensionDx MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases participant age in first Hypertension diagnosis MONDO:0004995 DisHypertensionAge DisHypertensionAge MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases if the diagnosis of Diabetes was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0005151 DisDiabetesDx DisDiabetesDx MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases participant age in first Diabetes diagnosis MONDO:0005151 DisDiabetesAge DisDiabetesAge MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases if the diagnosis of COPD was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0005087 DisCOPDDx DisCOPDDx MONDO:0005087 respiratory system diseases participant age in first COPD diagnosis MONDO:0005087 DisCOPDAge DisCOPDAge MONDO:0005087 respiratory system diseases if the diagnosis of Renal Failure was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0005151 DisRenalFailureDx DisRenalFailureDx MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases participant age in first RenalFailure diagnosis MONDO:0005151 DisRenalFailureAge DisRenalFailureAge MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases if the diagnosis of Jaundice was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0005151 DisJaundiceDx DisJaundiceDx MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases participant age in first Jaundice diagnosis MONDO:0005151 DisJaundiceAge DisJaundiceAge MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases if the diagnosis of Chronic Liver Failure was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0005151 DisLiverDx DisLiverDx MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases participant age in first Chronic liver failure diagnosis MONDO:0005151 DisLiverAge DisLiverAge MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases if the diagnosis of Tuberculosis was made for participant by a physician MONDO:0000001 DisTBDx DisTBDx MONDO:0000001 diseases participant age in first Tuberculosis diagnosis MONDO:0000001 DisTBAge DisTBAge MONDO:0000001 diseases If the participant had had any history of surgery GECKO:0000092 SurgeryFlag SurgeryFlag GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions Specifies the participant surgery Type GECKO:0000092 SurgeryType SurgeryType GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions Specifies the participant age in surgery Time GECKO:0000092 SurgeryAge SurgeryAge GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions if the participant has had Transfusion history GECKO:0000091 TransfusionFlag TransfusionFlag GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions if the participant has Transfusion history in last month GECKO:0000091 TransfusionRecentFlag TransfusionRecentFlag GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions if the participant has Reflux Symptom history select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxFlag SymRefluxFlag OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms when Reflux Symptom happen in First time OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxWhen SymRefluxWhen OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the participant has Heartburn Symptom history select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 SymHeartburnFlag SymHeartburnFlag OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms when Heartburn Symptom happen in First time OGMS:0000020 SymHeartburnWhen SymHeartburnWhen OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the participant has Difficult Swallowing Symptom history select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 SymDifficultSwallowingFlag SymDifficultSwallowingFlag OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms when Difficult Swallowing Symptom happen in First time OGMS:0000020 SymDifficultSwallowingWhen SymDifficultSwallowingWhen OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the participant has Reflux Symptom in past year select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxPastYearFreq SymRefluxPastYearFreq OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Severity Reflux Symptom in past year OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxPastYearSeverity SymRefluxPastYearSeverity OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the participant has Reflux Symptom in Prior year select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxPriorYearsFreq SymRefluxPriorYearsFreq OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Severity Reflux Symptom in Prior year OGMS:0000020 SymRefluxPriorYearsSeverity SymRefluxPriorYearsSeverity OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if participant used drug for Heartburn symptoms select yes if not select no and if participant doesn't have symtom selectLack of signage OGMS:0000020 RefluxHeartburnTXFlag RefluxHeartburnTXFlag OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the patient has Weightloss in past year select yes if not select no OGMS:0000020 WeightLossFlag WeightLossFlag OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Specifies the amount of weight loss OGMS:0000020 WeightLossAmount WeightLossAmount OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms if the patient has Intentional weight loss select Yes if not select no and doesn't have weight loss select I have no weight loss OGMS:0000020 WeightLossIntent WeightLossIntent OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Past history of cancer diagnosed by a physician? MONDO:0004992 cancerdxflag cancerdxflag MONDO:0004992 cancer Year of diagnosis of cancer if detected in participant MONDO:0004992 cancerdxage cancerdxage MONDO:0004992 cancer Original site of cancer MONDO:0004992 cancerdxsite cancerdxsite MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the relative of participants with a history of cancer MONDO:0004992 CancRelRelativeCode_1 CancRelRelativeCode_1 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the age of relative when cancer was diagnosed MONDO:0004992 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_1 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_1 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the site of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelSite_1 CancRelSite_1 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the ICD-10 code of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelICD10_1 CancRelICD10_1 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the additional relative of participants with a history of cancer MONDO:0004992 CancRelRelativeCode_2 CancRelRelativeCode_2 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the age of relative when cancer was diagnosed MONDO:0004992 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_2 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_2 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the site of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelSite_2 CancRelSite_2 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the ICD-10 code of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelICD10_2 CancRelICD10_2 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the additional relative of participants with a history of cancer MONDO:0004992 CancRelRelativeCode_3 CancRelRelativeCode_3 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the age of relative when cancer was diagnosed MONDO:0004992 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_3 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_3 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the site of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelSite_3 CancRelSite_3 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the ICD-10 code of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelICD10_3 CancRelICD10_3 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the additional relative of participants with a history of cancer MONDO:0004992 CancRelRelativeCode_4 CancRelRelativeCode_4 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the age of relative when cancer was diagnosed MONDO:0004992 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_4 CancRelAgeDiagnosis_4 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the site of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelSite_4 CancRelSite_4 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the ICD-10 code of cancer in the relative of participant MONDO:0004992 CancRelICD10_4 CancRelICD10_4 MONDO:0004992 cancer Specifies the participant used cigar for 6 Months GECKO:0000068 TobEverRegularFlag TobEverRegularFlag GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant uses cigar Now GECKO:0000068 TobCigsNow TobCigsNow GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant used tobacco other than cigar for 6 Months GECKO:0000068 TobNonCigFlag TobNonCigFlag GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type From Age, first history GECKO:0000068 TobStartAge_1 TobStartAge_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type To Age, first history GECKO:0000068 TobEndAge_1 TobEndAge_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used tobacco Duration, first history GECKO:0000068 TobDuration_1 TobDuration_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used type of Tobacco, first history GECKO:0000068 TobType_1 TobType_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many times per day, first history GECKO:0000068 TobNumberPerDay_1 TobNumberPerDay_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many days in week, first history GECKO:0000068 TobDaysPerWeek_1 TobDaysPerWeek_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this cigar how many times per day, first history GECKO:0000068 CigNumPerDay_1 CigNumPerDay_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant cumulative use, first history GECKO:0000068 Cigpackyear_1 Cigpackyear_1 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type From Age, second history GECKO:0000068 TobStartAge_2 TobStartAge_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type To Age, second history GECKO:0000068 TobEndAge_2 TobEndAge_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used tobacco Duration, second history GECKO:0000068 TobDuration_2 TobDuration_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used type of Tobacco, second history GECKO:0000068 TobType_2 TobType_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many times per day, second history GECKO:0000068 TobNumberPerDay_2 TobNumberPerDay_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many days in week, second history GECKO:0000068 TobDaysPerWeek_2 TobDaysPerWeek_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this cigar how many times per day, second history GECKO:0000068 CigNumPerDay_2 CigNumPerDay_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant cumulative use, second history GECKO:0000068 Cigpackyear_2 Cigpackyear_2 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type From Age, third history GECKO:0000068 TobStartAge_3 TobStartAge_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type To Age, third history GECKO:0000068 TobEndAge_3 TobEndAge_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used tobacco Duration, third history GECKO:0000068 TobDuration_3 TobDuration_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used type of Tobacco, third history GECKO:0000068 TobType_3 TobType_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many times per day, third history GECKO:0000068 TobNumberPerDay_3 TobNumberPerDay_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many days in week, third history GECKO:0000068 TobDaysPerWeek_3 TobDaysPerWeek_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this cigar how many times per day, third history GECKO:0000068 CigNumPerDay_3 CigNumPerDay_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant cumulative use, third history GECKO:0000068 Cigpackyear_3 Cigpackyear_3 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type From Age, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobStartAge_4 TobStartAge_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this Tobacco type To Age, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobEndAge_4 TobEndAge_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used tobacco Duration, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobDuration_4 TobDuration_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used type of Tobacco, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobType_4 TobType_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many times per day, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobNumberPerDay_4 TobNumberPerDay_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this tobacco how many days in week, fourth history GECKO:0000068 TobDaysPerWeek_4 TobDaysPerWeek_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant Used this cigar how many times per day, fourth history GECKO:0000068 CigNumPerDay_4 CigNumPerDay_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant cumulative use, fourth history GECKO:0000068 Cigpackyear_4 Cigpackyear_4 GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant total cumulative use GECKO:0000068 total_packyear total_packyear GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history Specifies the participant ever used opiume for 6 Months GECKO:0000103 OpiateEverRegularFlag OpiateEverRegularFlag GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the using opium in Childhood GECKO:0000103 OpiatePersonalChildhoodExp OpiatePersonalChildhoodExp GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant gave opium to children GECKO:0000103 OpiateAdministeredToChildrenFlag OpiateAdministeredToChildrenFlag GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used Opium type GECKO:0000103 OpiateType OpiateType GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the route by which participant uses opium GECKO:0000103 OpiateRoute OpiateRoute GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type From Age, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateStartAge_1 OpiateStartAge_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type To Age, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateEndAge_1 OpiateEndAge_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Duration, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDuration_1 OpiateDuration_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium amount in Pea size, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateNokhod_1 OpiateNokhod_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium day in week, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDaysPerWeek_1 OpiateDaysPerWeek_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Amount per day, first history GECKO:0000103 OpiateAmountperDay_1 OpiateAmountperDay_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant cumulative use of Opium, first history GECKO:0000103 Opiatecum_1 Opiatecum_1 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type From Age, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateStartAge_2 OpiateStartAge_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type To Age, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateEndAge_2 OpiateEndAge_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Duration, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDuration_2 OpiateDuration_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium amount in Pea size, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateNokhod_2 OpiateNokhod_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium day in week, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDaysPerWeek_2 OpiateDaysPerWeek_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Amount per day, second history GECKO:0000103 OpiateAmountperDay_2 OpiateAmountperDay_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant cumulative use of Opium, second history GECKO:0000103 Opiatecum_2 Opiatecum_2 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type From Age, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateStartAge_3 OpiateStartAge_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type To Age, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateEndAge_3 OpiateEndAge_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Duration, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDuration_3 OpiateDuration_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium amount in Pea size, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateNokhod_3 OpiateNokhod_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium day in week, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDaysPerWeek_3 OpiateDaysPerWeek_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Amount per day, third history GECKO:0000103 OpiateAmountperDay_3 OpiateAmountperDay_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant cumulative use of Opium, third history GECKO:0000103 Opiatecum_3 Opiatecum_3 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type From Age, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateStartAge_4 OpiateStartAge_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium type To Age, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateEndAge_4 OpiateEndAge_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Duration, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDuration_4 OpiateDuration_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium amount in Pea size, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateNokhod_4 OpiateNokhod_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium day in week, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateDaysPerWeek_4 OpiateDaysPerWeek_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant Used this Opium Amount per day, fourth history GECKO:0000103 OpiateAmountperDay_4 OpiateAmountperDay_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant cumulative use of Opium, fourth history GECKO:0000103 Opiatecum_4 Opiatecum_4 GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant total cumulative use of Opium GECKO:0000103 TotalNokhodDay TotalNokhodDay GECKO:0000103 recreational drug history Specifies the participant ever used alcohol for 6 Months GECKO:0000069 AlcEverRegularFlag AlcEverRegularFlag GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol From Age, first history GECKO:0000069 AlcStartAge_1 AlcStartAge_1 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol To Age, first history GECKO:0000069 AlcEndAge_1 AlcEndAge_1 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant alcohol used Type, first history GECKO:0000069 AlcType_1 AlcType_1 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the average alcohol the participant used per episode, first history GECKO:0000069 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_1 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_1 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant Alcohol episodes in month, first history GECKO:0000069 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_1 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_1 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol From Age, second history GECKO:0000069 AlcStartAge_2 AlcStartAge_2 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol To Age, second history GECKO:0000069 AlcEndAge_2 AlcEndAge_2 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant alcohol used Type, second history GECKO:0000069 AlcType_2 AlcType_2 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the average alcohol the participant used per episode, second history GECKO:0000069 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_2 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_2 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant Alcohol episodes in month, second history GECKO:0000069 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_2 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_2 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol From Age, third history GECKO:0000069 AlcStartAge_3 AlcStartAge_3 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant used alcohol To Age, third history GECKO:0000069 AlcEndAge_3 AlcEndAge_3 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant alcohol used Type, third history GECKO:0000069 AlcType_3 AlcType_3 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the average alcohol the participant used per episode, third history GECKO:0000069 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_3 AlcQuantityPerEpisode_3 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Specifies the participant Alcohol episodes in month, third history GECKO:0000069 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_3 AlcEpisodesPerMonth_3 GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history Currently taking any medication? GECKO:0000093 DrugCurrentuse DrugCurrentuse GECKO:0000093 medication Anti-hypertensive drugs: 1: diuretics 2: beta-blockers 3: ACE Inhibitors 4: ARBs 5: Alpha-adrenergic blockers 6: Calcium channel blockers 7:other anti-hypertensives GECKO:0000094 antiHTN antiHTN GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Anti-diabetic drugs: 1: Glibenclamide 2: metformin 3: insulin 4: other GECKO:0000094 antiDM antiDM GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Cardiac drugs: 1: Anti-platelets 2: statins 3: Beta-blockers 4: Nitrates 5: ACE Inhibitors 6: ARBs 7: Calcium Channel blockers 8: other GECKO:0000094 cardiac cardiac GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Lipid-lowering drugs: 1: Statins 2: Gemfibrozil 3: other GECKO:0000094 antilipid antilipid GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Mental disorders: 1: Benzodiazepines 2: Sodium Valproate 3: Anti-epileptics 4: Antidepressants 5: Anti-anxiety medications 6: Psychoactive medications GECKO:0000094 mentaldrug mentaldrug GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Corticosteroids: 1: injection 2: oral 3: topical PDRO:0000024 Corticosteroid Corticosteroid PDRO:0000024 prescription Gastrointestinal: 1: H2 Blockers 2: PPIs 3: Clindinium C GECKO:0000094 Gidrugs Gidrugs GECKO:0000094 associated disease(s) Antibiotics: 1: Amoxicillin 2: Cefixime 3: Azithromycin 4: Metronidazole 5: other PDRO:0000024 antibiotics antibiotics PDRO:0000024 prescription Diuretics PDRO:0000024 diuretic diuretic PDRO:0000024 prescription Beta Blockers PDRO:0000024 betablocker betablocker PDRO:0000024 prescription Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors PDRO:0000024 ACEinhibitor ACEinhibitor PDRO:0000024 prescription Angiotensin Receptor Blockers PDRO:0000024 ARB ARB PDRO:0000024 prescription Alpha Adrenergic Blockers PDRO:0000024 alphablocker alphablocker PDRO:0000024 prescription Calcium Channel Blockers PDRO:0000024 CCBlocker CCBlocker PDRO:0000024 prescription Glibenclamide PDRO:0000024 Glibenclamide Glibenclamide PDRO:0000024 prescription Metformin PDRO:0000024 Metformin Metformin PDRO:0000024 prescription Insulin PDRO:0000024 Insulin Insulin PDRO:0000024 prescription Anti-platelets PDRO:0000024 Antiplatelets Antiplatelets PDRO:0000024 prescription Statins PDRO:0000024 Statins Statins PDRO:0000024 prescription Nitrates PDRO:0000024 Nitrates Nitrates PDRO:0000024 prescription Gemfibrozil PDRO:0000024 Gemfibrozil Gemfibrozil PDRO:0000024 prescription Acetaminophen and Acetaminophen Codein PDRO:0000024 Acetaminophen Acetaminophen PDRO:0000024 prescription Ibuprofen PDRO:0000024 Ibuprofen Ibuprofen PDRO:0000024 prescription Diclophenac PDRO:0000024 Diclophenac Diclophenac PDRO:0000024 prescription Indomethacin PDRO:0000024 Indomethacin Indomethacin PDRO:0000024 prescription Levthyroxin PDRO:0000024 Levothyroxin Levothyroxin PDRO:0000024 prescription Methotrexate PDRO:0000024 Methotrexate Methotrexate PDRO:0000024 prescription Other GECKO:0000093 Other Other GECKO:0000093 medication Currently taking any medication? GECKO:0000093 DrugCurrentuse DrugCurrentuse GECKO:0000093 medication Name of drug 1 PDRO:0000024 drugname_1 drugname_1 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 1 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_1 drugduration_1 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 1 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_1 drugfrequency_1 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 1 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_1 drugdose_1 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 2 PDRO:0000024 drugname_2 drugname_2 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 2 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_2 drugduration_2 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 2 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_2 drugfrequency_2 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 2 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_2 drugdose_2 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 3 PDRO:0000024 drugname_3 drugname_3 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 3 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_3 drugduration_3 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 3 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_3 drugfrequency_3 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 3 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_3 drugdose_3 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 4 PDRO:0000024 drugname_4 drugname_4 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 4 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_4 drugduration_4 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 4 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_4 drugfrequency_4 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 4 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_4 drugdose_4 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 5 PDRO:0000024 drugname_5 drugname_5 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 5 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_5 drugduration_5 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 5 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_5 drugfrequency_5 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 5 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_5 drugdose_5 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 6 PDRO:0000024 drugname_6 drugname_6 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 6 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_6 drugduration_6 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 6 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_6 drugfrequency_6 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 6 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_6 drugdose_6 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 7 PDRO:0000024 drugname_7 drugname_7 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 7 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_7 drugduration_7 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 7 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_7 drugfrequency_7 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 7 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_7 drugdose_7 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 8 PDRO:0000024 drugname_8 drugname_8 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 8 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_8 drugduration_8 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 8 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_8 drugfrequency_8 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 8 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_8 drugdose_8 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 9 PDRO:0000024 drugname_9 drugname_9 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 9 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_9 drugduration_9 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 9 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_9 drugfrequency_9 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 9 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_9 drugdose_9 PDRO:0000024 prescription Name of drug 10 PDRO:0000024 drugname_10 drugname_10 PDRO:0000024 prescription Number of years being under treatment 10 PDRO:0000024 drugduration_10 drugduration_10 PDRO:0000024 prescription Frequency of drug consumption 10 PDRO:0000024 drugfrequency_10 drugfrequency_10 PDRO:0000024 prescription Dose of drug consumed 10 PDRO:0000024 drugdose_10 drugdose_10 PDRO:0000024 prescription Permanent Teeth Loss OralPermanentTeethLossFlag OralPermanentTeethLossFlag Specifies the age of first Permanent Teeth Loss OralPermanentTeethAgeFirstLoss OralPermanentTeethAgeFirstLoss Specifies the participant used Upper Denture OralUpperDentureFlag OralUpperDentureFlag Specifies the participant used Lower Denture OralLowerDentureFlag OralLowerDentureFlag Specifies the participant used Upper Denture during the day OralUpperDentureUse OralUpperDentureUse Specifies the participant used Lower Denture during the day OralLowerDentureUse OralLowerDentureUse Specifies the age of participant first used Upper Denture OralAgeDentureUpper OralAgeDentureUpper Specifies the age of participant First used Lower Denture OralAgeDentureLower OralAgeDentureLower Specifies the participant Brushing Frequency OralFreqBrushing OralFreqBrushing Specifies the frequency the participant experienced discomfort while eating food in Past Year OralFoodDiscomfortFlag OralFoodDiscomfortFlag Specifies the food that caused discomfort for the participant OralFoodDiscomfortType OralFoodDiscomfortType Specifies the participant Total number of teeth OralNumTeeth OralNumTeeth Specifies the participant Total number of Decayed teeth OralNumTeethDecayed OralNumTeethDecayed Specifies the participant Total number of Missing teeth OralNumTeethMissing OralNumTeethMissing Specifies the participant Total number of Filled teeth OralNumTeethFilled OralNumTeethFilled Specifies the participant Mucosa Status OralMucosa OralMucosa Specifies participant consumption of tea temperature PATO:0001995 TeaTempDegrees TeaTempDegrees PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies participant used tea type PATO:0001995 TeaTempDescription TeaTempDescription PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the duration between pouring and drinking the tea PATO:0001995 TeaSteepingTime TeaSteepingTime PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies how participant drinks tea PATO:0001995 TeaSipOrGulp TeaSipOrGulp PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Working all months of the year? GECKO:0000104 physactworkallyearflag physactworkallyearflag GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of working months in a year GECKO:0000104 physactworkmonths physactworkmonths GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Daily intensive physical activity? GECKO:0000104 physactworkstrenuousflag physactworkstrenuousflag GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of working days in a week GECKO:0000104 physactworkstrenuousfreq physactworkstrenuousfreq GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of working hours in a day GECKO:0000104 physactworkstrenuoushours physactworkstrenuoushours GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of entire working years GECKO:0000104 physactworkstrenuousyears physactworkstrenuousyears GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Doing house work? GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkflag physacthouseworkflag GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of working days in a week GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkfreq physacthouseworkfreq GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of working hours in a day GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkhours physacthouseworkhours GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Number of entire working years GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkyears physacthouseworkyears GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Doing house work: minutes during working times GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkminsduringwork physacthouseworkminsduringwork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Doing house work: minutes during leasure times GECKO:0000104 physacthouseworkminsnowork physacthouseworkminsnowork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Mild exercise such as jogging: minutes during working times GECKO:0000104 physactexmildminsduringwork physactexmildminsduringwork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Mild exercise such as jogging: minutes during leasure times GECKO:0000104 physactexmildminsnowork physactexmildminsnowork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Moderate exercise such as volleyball: minutes during working times GECKO:0000104 physactexmodminsduringwork physactexmodminsduringwork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Moderate exercise such as volleyball: minutes during leasure times GECKO:0000104 physactexmodminsnowork physactexmodminsnowork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Intensive exercise such as horse riding: minutes during working times GECKO:0000104 physactexstrenminsduringwork physactexstrenminsduringwork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Intensive exercise such as horse riding: minutes during leasure times GECKO:0000104 physactexstrenminsnowork physactexstrenminsnowork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Watching TV, resting, reading: minutes during working times GECKO:0000104 physacttvminsduringwork physacttvminsduringwork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Watching TV, resting, reading: minutes during leasure times GECKO:0000104 physacttvminsnowork physacttvminsnowork GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Energy cost of physical activities defined as the ratio of metabolic rate (and therefore the rate of energy consumption) during a specific physical activity to a reference metabolic rate GECKO:0000104 Metabolic Equivalent Task Metabolic_Equivalent_Task GECKO:0000104 physical activity history Specifies the age of the participants he had contact with animals, first history PATO:0001995 AnimalStartAge_1 AnimalStartAge_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he didn't have contact with animals, first history PATO:0001995 AnimalEndAge_1 AnimalEndAge_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The intensity of animal contact, first history PATO:0001995 AnimalLevelOfContact_1 AnimalLevelOfContact_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The type of animal, first history PATO:0001995 AnimalType_1 AnimalType_1 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he had contact with animals, second history PATO:0001995 AnimalStartAge_2 AnimalStartAge_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he didn't have contact with animals, second history PATO:0001995 AnimalEndAge_2 AnimalEndAge_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The intensity of animal contact, second history PATO:0001995 AnimalLevelOfContact_2 AnimalLevelOfContact_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The type of animal, second history PATO:0001995 AnimalType_2 AnimalType_2 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he had contact with animals, third history PATO:0001995 AnimalStartAge_3 AnimalStartAge_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he didn't have contact with animals, third history PATO:0001995 AnimalEndAge_3 AnimalEndAge_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The intensity of animal contact, third history PATO:0001995 AnimalLevelOfContact_3 AnimalLevelOfContact_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The type of animal, third history PATO:0001995 AnimalType_3 AnimalType_3 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he had contact with animals, fourth history PATO:0001995 AnimalStartAge_4 AnimalStartAge_4 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics Specifies the age of the participants he didn't have contact with animals, fourth history PATO:0001995 AnimalEndAge_4 AnimalEndAge_4 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The intensity of animal contact, fourth history PATO:0001995 AnimalLevelOfContact_4 AnimalLevelOfContact_4 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The type of animal, fourth history PATO:0001995 AnimalType_4 AnimalType_4 PATO:0001995 socio-demographic and economic characteristics The body size participants assume they have had based on pictogram when they were 15 years old CMO:0000021 bodyindicessizeage15 bodyindicessizeage15 CMO:0000021 anthropometry The body size participants assume they have had based on pictogram when they wer3 30 years old CMO:0000021 bodyindicessizeage30 bodyindicessizeage30 CMO:0000021 anthropometry The body size participants assume they have at the present time based on pictogram CMO:0000021 bodyindicessizenow bodyindicessizenow CMO:0000021 anthropometry Height CMO:0000106 bodyindicesheight bodyindicesheight CMO:0000106 height Weight CMO:0000012 bodyindicesweight bodyindicesweight CMO:0000012 weight Waist circumference CMO:0000021 bodyindiceswaist bodyindiceswaist CMO:0000021 anthropometry Hip circumference CMO:0000021 bodyindiceships bodyindiceships CMO:0000021 anthropometry Body mass index CMO:0000021 BMI BMI CMO:0000021 anthropometry First measurement of systolic blood pressure from the right arm CMO:0000003 bpright1sbp bpright1sbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure First measurement ofdiastolic blood pressure from the right arm CMO:0000003 bpright1dbp bpright1dbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Second measurement of systolic blood pressure from the right arm CMO:0000003 bpright2sbp bpright2sbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Second measurement of diastolic blood pressure from the right arm CMO:0000003 bpright2dbp bpright2dbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure First measurement of systolic blood pressure from the left arm CMO:0000003 bpleft1sbp bpleft1sbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure First measurement of diastolic blood pressure from the left arm CMO:0000003 bpleft1dbp bpleft1dbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Second measurement of systolic blood pressure from the left arm CMO:0000003 bpleft2sbp bpleft2sbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Second measurement of diastolic blood pressure from the left arm CMO:0000003 bpleft2dbp bpleft2dbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Mean systolic blood pressure measured second time CMO:0000003 m_sbp m_sbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Mean diastolic blood pressure measured second time CMO:0000003 m_dbp m_dbp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Systolic blood pressure >= 140 mmHg OGMS:0000020 high_sbp high_sbp OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Diastolic blood pressure >= 90 mmHg OGMS:0000020 high_dbp high_dbp OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms Consumption of any anti-hypertensive medication for more than 6 months PDRO:0000024 htndrug htndrug PDRO:0000024 prescription Being hypertensive MONDO:0004995 HTN HTN MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases Categorization of hypetrension MONDO:0004995 HTNcat HTNcat MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases SBP/DBP >=120/80 AND <140/90 MONDO:0004995 preHTN preHTN MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases Difference between SBP and DBP CMO:0000294 pulse_p pulse_p CMO:0000294 heart rate (HR) mean value of SBP and DBP CMO:0000003 mean_bp mean_bp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Mid value of SBP and DBP CMO:0000003 mid_bp mid_bp CMO:0000003 blood pressure Difference in SBP between arms CMO:0000003 diffsbp_right_left diffsbp_right_left CMO:0000003 blood pressure Difference in DBP between arms CMO:0000003 diffdbp_right_left diffdbp_right_left CMO:0000003 blood pressure Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Energy Energy GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 fat fat GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 salt salt GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 protein protein GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 total saturated fat total_saturated_fat GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 total trans fat total_trans_fat GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 hydrogenated oil hydrogenated_oil GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 carbohyderate carbohyderate GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 red meat red_meat GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 processed meat processed_meat GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 fruits fruits GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 vegetables vegetables GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 dairy products dairy_products GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 milk milk GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 dietary fiber dietary_fiber GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Fish Fish GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Chicken Chicken GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 SodiumNa SodiumNa GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Calcium Calcium GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Fe Fe GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Magnesium Magnesium GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Phosphorus Phosphorus GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Potassium Potassium GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Zinc Zinc GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Folate Folate GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin D Vitamin_D GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin A Vitamin_A GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin B1 Vitamin_B1 GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin B2 Vitamin_B2 GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin B12 Vitamin_B12 GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Vitamin C Vitamin_C GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Niacin Niacin GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Glycemic load Glycemic_load GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Glycemic Index Glycemic_Index GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Sugar intake Sugar_intake GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Nuts Nuts GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 tea tea GECKO:0000072 dietary history Amount consumed per day GECKO:0000072 Coffee Coffee GECKO:0000072 dietary history Fasting Blood Glucose UBERON:0000178 fbg fbg UBERON:0000178 blood Urea UBERON:0000178 urea urea UBERON:0000178 blood Creatinine UBERON:0000178 creatinine creatinine UBERON:0000178 blood Total Cholesterol UBERON:0000178 cholesterol cholesterol UBERON:0000178 blood Triglycerides UBERON:0000178 triglycerides triglycerides UBERON:0000178 blood High Density Lipoprotein UBERON:0000178 hdl hdl UBERON:0000178 blood Aspartate Transaminase UBERON:0000178 ast ast UBERON:0000178 blood Alanine Transaminase UBERON:0000178 alt alt UBERON:0000178 blood Alkaline Phosphatase UBERON:0000178 alkalinep alkalinep UBERON:0000178 blood Low Density Lipoprotein UBERON:0000178 ldl ldl UBERON:0000178 blood LDL to HDL ratio UBERON:0000178 ldlhdl ldlhdl UBERON:0000178 blood Gamma Glutamyle Transpeptidase UBERON:0000178 gamma gamma UBERON:0000178 blood HBsAg UBERON:0000178 hbsag hbsag UBERON:0000178 blood HBsAb UBERON:0000178 hbsab hbsab UBERON:0000178 blood HBcAb UBERON:0000178 hbcab hbcab UBERON:0000178 blood HBV DNA UBERON:0000178 hbv hbv UBERON:0000178 blood HCV Antibody UBERON:0000178 hcv hcv UBERON:0000178 blood White Blood Cell UBERON:0000178 wbc wbc UBERON:0000178 blood Red Blood Cell UBERON:0000178 rbc rbc UBERON:0000178 blood Hemoglobin UBERON:0000178 hb hb UBERON:0000178 blood Hematocrit UBERON:0000178 hct hct UBERON:0000178 blood Platelet UBERON:0000178 plt plt UBERON:0000178 blood Mean Corpuscular Volume UBERON:0000178 mcv mcv UBERON:0000178 blood Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin UBERON:0000178 mch mch UBERON:0000178 blood Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration UBERON:0000178 mchc mchc UBERON:0000178 blood Red Cell Distribution Width UBERON:0000178 rdw rdw UBERON:0000178 blood Specifies patient Blood Group UBERON:0000178 BloodType BloodType UBERON:0000178 blood Specifies patient Blood Rh UBERON:0000178 Rh Rh UBERON:0000178 blood if patient has hair sample select YES if not Selct No GECKO:0000112 BioSampHairAvailFlag BioSampHairAvailFlag GECKO:0000112 other biosample type if patient has nail sample select YES if not Selct No GECKO:0000112 BioSampNailAvailFlag BioSampNailAvailFlag GECKO:0000112 other biosample type if patient has Blood sample select YES if not Selct No UBERON:0000178 BioSampBloodAvailFlag BioSampBloodAvailFlag UBERON:0000178 blood