Bioresource created during the course of the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS) UKCTOCS Longitudinal Women's Cohort (UKLWC) definition alternative term source database_cross_reference comment see also answer type formula internal ID measurement time number of cohorts question description use cases requirements value is about has target measurement of output of Years PATO:0000011 Age at recruitment VC_AgeRandomisation PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000061 Ethnicity VC_Ethnicity2 GECKO:0000061 ethnicity/race cm CMO:0000106 Height V_HeightCm CMO:0000106 height Kg CMO:0000012 Weight V_WeightKg CMO:0000012 weight Years GECKO:0000114 PATO:0000011 Age at last period VC_AgeLastPeriod GECKO:0000114 reproduction PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Years GECKO:0000114 PATO:0000011 Age at first period V_FirstPeriod GECKO:0000114 reproduction PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Years GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Age at HRT start VC_AgeStartHRT PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000093 HRT at recruitment V_HRT GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000092 Hysterectomy prior to recruitment V_Hysterectomy GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Ovaries removed prior to recruitment V_OvariesRemoved GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions MONDO:0004992 History of cancer V_CancerHistory MONDO:0004992 cancer Years MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 Age at cancer diagnosis VC_AgeCancerDiagnosis MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate MONDO:0004992 Cancer treatment in the year prior to recruitment V_CancerTreatmentLastYr MONDO:0004992 cancer GECKO:0000093 Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) use ever V_Pill GECKO:0000093 medication Years GECKO:0000093 Years of OCP use V_PillDuration GECKO:0000093 medication Number GECKO:0000114 Number of pregnancies that ended before they reached 6 months V_PregnanciesL6Mth GECKO:0000114 reproduction Number GECKO:0000114 Number of pregnancies that laster beyond 6 months V_PregnanciesG6Mth GECKO:0000114 reproduction GECKO:0000092 Sterilisation operation V_Sterilisation GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 GECKO:0000093 Treatment for Infertility V_Infertility GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000063 Country of Birth VC_CountryOfBirth GECKO:0000063 birthplace MONDO:0004992 Ovarian cancer pre-recruitment V_CancerOvarian MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Breast cancer pre-recruitment V_CancerBreast MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Bowel cancer pre-recruitment V_CancerBowel MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Lung cancer pre-recruitment V_CancerLung MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Other cancer pre-recruitment V_CancerOther MONDO:0004992 cancer GECKO:0000132 Mother with Ovarian cancer V_MotherOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Mother with Breast cancer V_MotherBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Daughters with Ovarian cancer V_DaughterOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Daughters with Breast cancer V_DaughterBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Grand Mothers with Ovarian cancer V_GrandMotherOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Grand Mothers with Breast cancer V_GrandMotherBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Grand Daughters with Ovarian cancer V_GrandDaughterOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Grand Daughters with Breast cancer V_GrandDaughterBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Sisters with Ovarian cancer V_SisterOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Sisters with Breast cancer V_SisterBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Aunts with Ovarian cancer V_AuntOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Aunts with Breast cancer V_AuntBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Relatives with Ovarian cancer V_RelativesOvarian GECKO:0000132 family history of disease Number GECKO:0000132 Relatives with Breast cancer V_RelativesBreast GECKO:0000132 family history of disease PATO:0000011 UBERON:0000178 Age at sample blood draw SRC_AgeSampleTaken PATO:0000011 age/birthdate UBERON:0000178 blood STATO:0000093 UBERON:0000178 Hours from blood draw to centrifugation SRC_TransportTime STATO:0000093 date and time-related information UBERON:0000178 blood PATO:0000011 Age at completion (FUQ1) QUC_AgeAtCompletion PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000065 O level or equivalent QU_Edu_1 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000065 A level or equivalent QU_Edu_2 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000065 Clerical or commercial qualification QU_Edu_3 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000065 Nursing or teaching QU_Edu_4 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000065 College/university degree or equivalent QU_Edu_5 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000065 None of these QU_Edu_6 GECKO:0000065 education GECKO:0000069 Quantity of alcohol per week QUC_Alcohol GECKO:0000069 alcohol use history GECKO:0000068 Smoker ever QU_Smoker GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history GECKO:0000068 No of years smoking QU_SmokingYears GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history GECKO:0000068 Average daily cigarettes smoked QU_SmokingNo GECKO:0000068 tobacco use history CMO:0000021 Skirt size in early twenties QU_SkirtSizeBefore CMO:0000021 anthropometry CMO:0000021 Skirt size now QU_SkirtSizeAftere CMO:0000021 anthropometry GECKO:0000093 Currently on HRT QU_HRT GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000127 Outlook - hopeful QUC_Outlook1 GECKO:0000127 quality of life GECKO:0000127 Outlook - goals QUC_Outlook2 GECKO:0000127 quality of life OGMS:0000020 High Blood Pressure QU_CondBP OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms MONDO:0004995 Heart disease QU_CondHeart MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases MONDO:0004995 OGMS:0000020 High blood cholesterol QU_CondCholesterol MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms MONDO:0004995 Stroke QU_CondStroke MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases MONDO:0005151 Diabetes QU_CondDiabetes MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases MONDO:0002081 Rheumatoid arthritus QU_CondRA MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases MONDO:0002081 Osteoarthritus QU_CondOA MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases MONDO:0002081 Osteoporosis QU_CondOP MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases GECKO:0000091 GECKO:0000093 No treatment for HBP/CVD/HBC/Stroke/Diabetes/RA/OP/OA QU_CondNegative GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Age at Laparoscopy since recruitment QUC_AgeAtLapro GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Age at Hysterectomy since recruitment QUC_AgeAtHyst GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Age at Oophorectomy since recruitment QUC_AgeAtOoph GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000092 Type of ovary removal since recruitment QUC_OvariesRemoved GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Age at Hysteroscopy since recruitment QUC_AgeAtDC GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Age at Breast investigation since recruitment QUC_AgeAtBreast GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate No cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_CancerNegative MONDO:0004992 Cervical cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_CerCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Endometrial cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_EndoCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Bowel cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_BowelCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Pancreatic cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_PancrCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Kidney cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_KidneyCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Gastric cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_GastricCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Lung cancer diagnosis since recruitment QU_LungCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Vulval cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_VulvalCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 BCC diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_BCCCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Other cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_OtherCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Breast cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ1) QU_BrCa MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 Age at Cancer 1 diagnosis since recruitment QUC_AgeAtCancer1 MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate MONDO:0004992 Cancer 1 type since recruitment QUC_Cancer1 MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 Age at cancer 2 diagnosis since recruitment QUC_AgeAtCancer2 MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate MONDO:0004992 Cancer 2 type since recruitment QUC_Cancer2 MONDO:0004992 cancer GECKO:0000091 GECKO:0000093 Management of Menopausal Symptoms QUC_MenoRelief GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000091 Herbal remedies QU_MenoHerba GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000091 Homeopathic remedies QU_MenoHomeo GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000072 GECKO:0000091 Phytoestrogens or soy products QU_MenoPhyto GECKO:0000072 dietary history GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000091 Aromatherapy, reflexology or acupuncture QU_MenoAroma GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000072 Vitamins QU_MenoVitam GECKO:0000072 dietary history GECKO:0000067 Life style changes QU_MenoLifeS GECKO:0000067 lifestyle and behaviours GECKO:0000091 GECKO:0000093 Other Menopausal Relief QU_MenoOther GECKO:0000091 non-pharmacological interventions GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 Age at completion (FUQ2) Q2C_AgeAtCompletion PATO:0000011 age/birthdate obo:EUPATH_0000374 Marital status currently Q2_Marital_Status_Current obo:EUPATH_0000374 marital status obo:EUPATH_0000374 Marital status before recruitment (2000) Q2_Marital_Status_Before obo:EUPATH_0000374 marital status obo:EUPATH_0000359 Primary occupation Q2_Primary_Occupation obo:EUPATH_0000359 occupation CMO:0000106 Height measurement Q2C_Measurements_Height CMO:0000106 height CMO:0000012 Weight measurement Q2C_Measurements_Weight CMO:0000012 weight CMO:0000021 Waist measurement Q2_Measurements_Waist CMO:0000021 anthropometry CMO:0000021 Hips measurement Q2_Measurements_Hips CMO:0000021 anthropometry GECKO:0000092 Operation to look at/remove ovaries/fallopian tubes since recruitment Q2_Operation_to_look_at_tubes GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Operation to look at womb/endometrial biopsy/D&C since recruitment Q2_Operation_to_look_in_to_biopsy GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Operation hysterectomy since recruitment Q2_Remove_Womb GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Operation breast lumpectomy/wide local excision/mastectomy since recruitment Q2_Remove_Breast GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Operation other gynaecological surgery since recruitment Q2_Any_other_gynae_surgery GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 Operation 1 type Q2_GynaeSurg_1_Type_Of_Operation GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Operation 1 age at surgery Q2C_GynaeSurg_1_age_at_surgery GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000092 Operation 2 type Q2_GynaeSurg_2_Type_Of_Operation GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions GECKO:0000092 PATO:0000011 Operation 2 age at surgery Q2C_GynaeSurg_2_age_at_surgery GECKO:0000092 surgical interventions PATO:0000011 age/birthdate No cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Not_diagnosed MONDO:0004992 Ovarian cancer diagnosis since recruitment Q2_Ovarian_Cancer MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Bowel cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Bowel MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Lymphoma diagnosis since recruitment Q2_Lymphoma MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Breast cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Breast MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Gastric cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Gastric MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Leukaemia diagnosis since recruitment Q2_Leukaemia MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Cervical cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Cervical MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Pancreatic cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Pancreatic MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 BCC diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_BCC MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Endometrial cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Womb_Cancer MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Kidney cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Kidney_Cancer MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Melanoma diagnosis since recruitment Q2_Melanoma MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Vulval cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Vulval MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Bladder cancer diagnosis since recruitment Q2_Bladder MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Other cancer diagnosis since recruitment (FUQ2) Q2_Other MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Type of other cancer diagniosed since recruitment Q2_Please_Specify MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 Cancer 1 type Q2_OtherCa_1_Type_Of_Cancer MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 Cancer 1 age at diagnosis Q2C_Cancer1_age_at_diagnosis MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate MONDO:0004992 Cancer 2 type Q2_OtherCa_2_Type_Of_Cancer MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 Cancer 2 age at diagnosis Q2C_Cancer2_age_at_diagnosis MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate Do not have/being treated for any listed conditions Q2_No_conditions OGMS:0000020 Currently have/being treated for High Blood Pressure Q2_High_Blood_Preasure OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms MONDO:0005151 Currently have/being treated for Diabetes Q2_Diabetes MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases MONDO:0002118 Currently have/being treated for Kidney Disease Q2_Kindney_Disease MONDO:0002118 urinary system diseases MONDO:0004995 Currently have/being treated for Heart Disease Q2_Heart_Disease MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases MONDO:0002081 Currently have/being treated for Arthritis Q2_Arthritis MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases MONDO:0004335 Currently have/being treated for Bowel Diesease Q2_Bowel_Disease MONDO:0004335 digestive system diseases MONDO:0002081 Currently have/being treated for Osteoarthritus Q2_Osteoarthritus MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases MONDO:0004335 MONDO:0005151 Currently have/being treated for Liver Disease Q2_Liver_Disease MONDO:0004335 digestive system diseases MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases MONDO:0004995 OGMS:0000020 Currently have/being treated for High Cholesterol Q2_High_Cholesterol MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases OGMS:0000020 signs and symptoms MONDO:0002081 Currently have/being treated for Osteoporosis Q2_Osteoporosis MONDO:0002081 musculoskeletal system diseases MONDO:0005087 Currently have/being treated for COPD Q2_COPD MONDO:0005087 respiratory system diseases MONDO:0004995 Currently have/being treated for Stroke Q2_Stroke MONDO:0004995 cardiovascular diseases MONDO:0005151 Currently have/being treated for thyroid Disease Q2_Thyroid_Disease MONDO:0005151 endocrine system diseases MONDO:0000001 Condition 1 type Q2_OtherCond_1_Condition MONDO:0000001 diseases MONDO:0000001 PATO:0000011 Condition 1 age at diagnosis Q2C_Cond_1_age_at_diagnosis MONDO:0000001 diseases PATO:0000011 age/birthdate MONDO:0000001 Condition 2 type Q2_OtherCond_2_Condition MONDO:0000001 diseases MONDO:0000001 PATO:0000011 Condition 2 age at diagnosis Q2C_Cond_2_age_at_diagnosis MONDO:0000001 diseases PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 Medication Tamoxifen Q2_Tamoxifen GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Tamoxifen age at start Q2C_Tamoxifen_age_at_start GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Tamoxifen age when stopped Q2C_Tamoxifen_age_at_stop GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 Medication Statins Q2_Statins GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Statins age at start Q2C_Statins_age_at_start GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Statins age when stopped Q2C_Statins_age_at_stop GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 Medication Asprin Q2_Asprin GECKO:0000093 medication GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Asprin age at start Q2C_Asprin_age_at_start GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000093 PATO:0000011 Medication Asprin age when stopped Q2C_Asprin_age_at_stop GECKO:0000093 medication PATO:0000011 age/birthdate GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Mother Q2_OvCr_Mother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Daughters Q2_OvCr_Daughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Paternal Aunts Q2_OvCr_Paternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Paternal Grandmother Q2_OvCr_Paternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Sisters Q2_OvCr_Sister GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Granddaughters Q2_OvCr_Granddaughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Maternal Aunts Q2_OvCr_Maternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Ovarian cancer Maternal Grandmother Q2_OvCr_Maternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Mother Q2_BrCr_Mother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Daughters Q2_BrCr_Daughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Paternal Aunts Q2_BrCr_Paternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Paternal Grandmother Q2_BrCr_Paternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Sisters Q2_BrCr_Sister GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Granddaughters Q2_BrCr_Granddaughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Maternal Aunts Q2_BrCr_Maternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Breast cancer Maternal Grandmother Q2_BrCr_Maternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Mother Q2_EndoCr_Mother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Daughters Q2_EndoCr_Daughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Paternal Aunts Q2_EndoCr_Paternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Paternal Grandmother Q2_EndoCr_Paternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Sisters Q2_EndoCr_Sister GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Granddaughters Q2_EndoCr_Granddaughter GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Maternal Aunts Q2_EndoCr_Maternal_Aunt GECKO:0000132 family history of disease GECKO:0000132 Endometrial cancer Maternal Grandmother Q2_EndoCr_Maternal_Grandmother GECKO:0000132 family history of disease UBERON:0000105 death status UBERON:0000105 life stage/time point PATO:0000011 age at death PATO:0000011 age/birthdate obo:EUPATH_0000147 primary underlying ICD10 cause of death obo:EUPATH_0000147 cause of death obo:EUPATH_0000147 other underlying ICD10 causes of death obo:EUPATH_0000147 cause of death MONDO:0004992 ICD10 cancer code MONDO:0004992 cancer MONDO:0004992 PATO:0000011 age at cancer diagnosis MONDO:0004992 cancer PATO:0000011 age/birthdate BASEQ SERUM FUQ1 FUQ2 DEATH REGISTRATION CANCER REGISTRATION